The Godfather has many companies pushing there limits on making money off the simple merchandise created.  As shown here, this Don Vito Corleone action figure goes for $13 - 15, but there are many others that go for $250 (click to see that here!)

So what drives these companies to do such business decisions? Is this movie really sending confidence into other people minds with their own business' without connection towards them?

The Godfather & Social Media

The Godfather trilogy is an all-time classic and for good reason it deals with close aspects of life that affect us all, from family to business.

When it comes to the last, there are some morsels of wisdom that can be applied to the business of social media. Here are five worth considering the next time you need the Don's advice.

"The richest man is the one with the most powerful friends."

Relationships and influence are currency in the world of social media. While both may be hard to quantify and control, brands should not underestimate what the right 'friends' can do for them in the realm of social media. From this perspective, brands should also remember that social media is not about 'friending' the most consumers, in social media less is often more.

"They talk when they should listen."

Never before have brands been given the opportunity to collect so much direct, honest and straight forward feedback from the customers. Yet many still focus on spreading their messages rather than using the internet and social media to listen to what consumers are saying. That's a huge mistake.

"Times have changed. It's not like the old days, when we can do anything we want."

While there's a lot of hype around social media, more than a few brands have learned the hard way that social media can drive heavy inspection of business activities. Because of this, smart brands will recognize that it's not always possible to get away with the things that were easy to get away with in the past.

"Your enemies always get strong on what you leave behind."

Companies shouldn't take on trendy new social media tools just for the sake of acceptance. Perhaps the latest social media flavor of the month truly isn't a good fit. Yet brands should be aware that a strong overall social media attendance can be a important business benefit. That means that brands ignoring social media are give up a potentially powerful advantage to their competitors.

"I got a business to run. I gotta kick asses sometimes to make it run right."

Social media can do a lot of things for companies, but they shouldn't become so enamored with the touchy-feely aspects of social media that they forget that they are businesses first and foremost. Sometimes this means standing up and defending themselves against social media criticism.

The Godfather has been produced into many video games for a broad range of consoles over the past couple of years but the two big ones have seemed to doubt us all on how real the Don experience is presented. The first one I am will be looking at is The Godfather: The Don's Edition for the PS3.The Godfather has been produced into many video games for a broad range of consoles over the past couple of years but the two big ones have seemed to doubt us all on how real the Don experience is presented. The first one I am will be looking at is The Godfather: The Don's Edition for the PS3.The Godfather is widely regarded as one of the greatest films of all time, so when Electronic Arts announced that it was making a game based on the license, though it made sense as a business project, it also seemed risky to get a feel for such a adored and well-known story to a video game.

That risk paid off with the PlayStation 2, PC, Xbox, and Xbox 360 versions of the game, and now the game has been released for the PlayStation 3 in the form of The Godfather: The Don's Edition. There are several minor but obvious enhancements and gameplay tweaks in the PS3 version of the game, this is the same game that was released a year earlier on other platforms. That said, The Godfather: The Don's Edition is still a satisfying, lengthy action adventure game, and more importantly, it remains faithful to the classic film while also creating a compelling story of its own. Many websites and video reviews for this video game have averaged near a 7.5 out of 10. Check out below what experts at Gamespot have to say about this game.(Video Review)

The Don's Edition was released back in March 2007, in that time Electonic Arts took a swing at the bat one more time to impress the restless Godfather fans out there. The Godfather 2 was released in April 2009 and this time they really blew it. Poor graphics, gamplay and all around feel for this game as many just tossed it out after the first 5 minutes (Video Review). You see this is the second time around for EA and whenever a company attempts to touch a well known and loved property, they walk into particularly dangerous territory and if you go too loose with the interpretation, you'll get roasted by fans and critics for completely abandoning the source material, too close and there's practically no point in making the game version at all. This was the bullet that Electronic Arts had to dodge with The Godfather II, an action title that attempts to follow some key elements of the acclaimed film. Adding in a healthy dose of strategy to aid running from Dons with their criminal empire, The Godfather II provides a good dose of entertainment, but the lack of difficulty holds the game back from truly becoming a great crime game.

Why The Godfather?

Greetings, this is Irtz! (like the car company Hertz but cut of the H-ertz or in my case Irtz) and this blog that I have created is a in depth and detailed look at possibley one of the greatest films ever made, The Godfather. This intreging film has been viewed all over the world and has been regonized as a materpiece. This film has pushed many other companies to make products and other merchendise reagarding The Godfather. In this blog I will be looking at the film itself and the most succelful products. As we get deeper into the mind of director Francis For Coppola and writer Mario Puzo we continue to see the many perfected ways that makes this argueably the greatest film ever made for almost 4 decades.

Through the 175 minutes and 18 seconds of this motion picutre The Godfather have proven to take advantage of every scene and second clearly delievering the story of a Don and the passings to his son through 1945-1955. This is but the beggining of a 3 part sequal that had bound to make its part of the profit at a gross revenue of $133,698,921 while only budgeting $6,500,000 to produce the first film. Absoulte profit given and deserved to Vito Corleone as he inherits more money to add on to his collection as he is crowned to be the Don of the film industry.